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Science & Technical Library
A collection of 1,476 hard-to-find scientific, technical and specialist applications.
Operating Systems Released Price Click here to order!
May 1997 $39.95

Additional Information:

The Scientific and Technical Library CDROM offers a selection of hard-to-find scientific, technical and specialist software in 639 MB. With a total of 2,451 files, this the largest selection you can find anywhere on the market.

This CDROM is intended for you, the technical and scientific user who does not want to wade through thousands of games or other unrelated software while looking for the scientific software that you need.

This disc contains virtually all available technical and scientific shareware programs for DOS and Windows. It also gives you vast amounts of hard-to-find specialist source code and utilities.

This CDROM includes sections to help you:

  • Reference resources in chemistry and biology
  • Optimize your systems using computer-aided manufacturing and structral analysis
  • Layout printed circuit boards with pcb tools
  • Design precise models with CAD and CAM tools
  • Solve mathematical problems with tools for math and statistics
  • Program in assembler, basic, C/C++, Cobol, Fortran, Dbase/Clipper, Forth, Logo, and Pascal
  • Develop electrical and engineering models quickly and easily

The Scientific and Technical Library CDROM now comes with HTML indices to make topic searching easier for you. This is a one-of-a-kind collection that you'll turn to again and again.